Founded and directed since 2010 by María Dolores Gaitán

Organized by the Guadalquivir Pianistic Cultural Association.

A festival born under the name of the great river, the Guadalquivir, as a spokesperson for cultures through music and piano. Today, it is one of the most important musical events in Córdoba (Spain) and an international reference due to its UNESCO World Heritage venues and its innovative, interdisciplinary, and high-quality character.

Its cross-border vision has led it to have venues in Córdoba, Madrid (Spain), Mexico City, and Milan (Italy), becoming one of the most emblematic festivals in Andalusia as a spokesperson for Spanish music in connection with other civilizations.

  • Monumental Venues: Mosque-Cathedral, Archaeological Site of Medina Azahara, Historic Center and Patios of Córdoba, Palace of Fine Arts (Mexico City), and Auditorium La Verdi (Milan)
  • 72 million audience
  • International Venues: Spain – Mexico – Italy
  • Great Musicians: Vienna Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra of Mexico, Leslie Howard, Valentina Lisitsa, Rosa Torres-Pardo, Luis Fernando Pérez, Alba Ventura, Marta Zabaleta, and many more.
  • Original productions advocating for interdisciplinarity.


Festival distinguished by Marca España

Recognized for its work in promoting Spanish music.

VIII Hasday Ibn Shaprut Award

Awarded in 2019 for “its innovation, creativity, and scenographic quality, bringing high media impact to Córdoba.”

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

The first festival to have concerts in all four UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Córdoba.

National Holiday of Spain in Milan.

Designated official event of the National Holiday of Spain in Milan, Italy (2018).


We are a music festival that generates iconic, vibrant, and high-level experiences, conceiving music as a fundamental element for social transformation.

We develop concerts and interdisciplinary events through the piano, focusing on rescuing historical memory and revaluing UNESCO World Heritage spaces with future artistic-musical keys.

Using the power of musical language to forge international alliances advocating for gender equality, peace, and social inclusion.


  • To enrich the cultural communion between Spain and other nations through music.
  • To create concerts and immersive global experiences of excellence in unique and heritage venues.
  • To revive our history through innovative and intersectoral musical expressions, reinforcing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to improve our society.


  • To strengthen the bond between nations, becoming a key link for the dialogue of artistic expressions rooted in classical and universal traditions.
  • To generate avant-garde musical models and formats that serve as inspiration for new generations.
  • To develop unique, distinctive, and globally exportable musical productions, bringing music to all of society.